
Created: 2020-07-01 12:28:27 Platform: Email Email
Title Lidar surveys of Chinese mound tombs.
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Title 3D spatial morphological analysis of mound tombs based on LiDAR data
  • Lin YANG
  • Yehua SHENG
  • Anping PEI
  • Yi WU
URLs and Resources in Attachments

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[image: image17.jpg]

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1. Introduction
2. Study area
3. Data acquisition and processing
3.1. Data acquisition and registration
3.2. Data pre-processing

4. Spatial modality analysis of mound necropolis
4.1. Centripetalism of multi-tomb-one-mound
4.2. Spatial morphological analysis of clan-family pattern of multi-tomb-one-mound

5. Discussion and conclusions
Disclosure statement