
Created: 2020-03-12 16:52:32.397000 Platform: Twitter Twitter
Referred Summary What I did today, relearned the neatest way of port forwarding through a bastion in .ssh/config all over again. It…
Note: In doing this again, from scratch, it was an ever present thought that ssh (for all its interestingness) achieves almost AI processing of parameters and objects to figure out what to do. This, I think is why it's impossible to document. @IoZettel
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Platform: Twitter Referred Content
Referred Content Text What I did today, relearned the neatest way of port forwarding through a bastion in .ssh/config all over again. It's just LocalForward port targethost:port in a copy of the generic bastion slab of config for the host. Why do I have to relearn these things the int'net is useless
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